Frequently Asked Questions

What is pelvic physical therapy for kids?

Children can experience weakness and potential concerns with the muscles in and surrounding the pelvic floor, just like adults. While some of these concerns like bedwetting around potty training age and constipation when transitioning to solids are part of growing up, some children struggle to out grow these phases. It is when these phases persist or interfere with the child’s daily life that intervention is necessary. If not properly treated, pediatric pelvic concerns can follow into adulthood.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles in the pelvis shaped like a sling. Its function is to support the bladder, bowel, reproductive organs, and control bowel and bladder function. Pediatric pelvic physical therapy involves the evaluation of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding anatomy to address bowel, bladder and pain concerns.

Pediatric pelvic physical therapy is different than pelvic therapy for adults. At Lighthouse, we use age-appropriate, child-led, play-based interventions that are fun and effective to treat your child or teen from head to toe. Additional questions? Contact us!

*It is not typical to complete an internal pelvic muscle assessment on children.

Who provides pelvic therapy?

Pediatric pelvic physical therapy is provided by a doctor of physical therapy who has additional specialized pelvic health training through an accredited healthcare professional national organization. Not all pediatric physical therapy hospitals and clinics have pediatric pelvic physical therapists.

Why should I choose Lighthouse?

At Lighthouse, the entire clinic is reserved for your family for your entire appointment time, instead of sharing space with other clients. You will be with your child throughout their entire appointment, instead of being required to wait in the lobby. Lighthouse is a calm and fun environment instead of a sterile, chaotic large clinic or hospital setting. You will speak directly to Dr. Sarah when you call the clinic instead of an answering service or to someone who doesn’t understand your concerns. We specialize in pelvic health instead of it being an add-on service. Your child will always be seen by a pediatric pelvic therapist and never shuffled off to someone unqualified. You can expect to get results without internal interventions. We do not conduct unnecessary testing unrelated to your concerns. You will not have to wait months to get an appointment and your plan of care will not have gaps from evaluation to discharge. Additional questions? Contact us!

What can I expect at my appointment?

During your visit, you and your child can expect to feel comfortable in our space. You will be together throughout the initial 1 hour evaluation. You are welcome to share what you’re comfortable with and your child will be invited to participate to their comfort level. During this visit Dr. Sarah will evaluate current symptoms, toileting habits, gross motor skills, posture, goals, etc. Your child will have fun, keep their clothes on, and all testing is pain free. Expect to leave happy, calm and with a clear plan that you and your child both understand and are comfortable with. Additional questions? Contact us!



“Dr. Sarah was so so understanding and comforting. We left feeling very hopeful! She strived to really understand our situation!”


“Dr. Sarah truly is the best at what she does. I can not recommend her enough! She is extremely knowledgable and uses multiple strategies to make therapy fun and effective. She made my daughter feel at ease and provided individualized care focused on my daughter’s particular needs.”


“My teenage son has been tormented with wetting the bed all his life. Doctors told us there wasn’t anything they could do, it would take time. However, that wasn’t true. Sarah evaluated my son, within 3 weeks we were seeing a difference and within 2 months he had stopped wetting the bed. Sarah is very empathic, listens to your concerns and then slowly peels away all the possibilities causing your issues until she finds the root cause.”


“Dr. Fox is professional, caring, fun and above all else, the kids LOVE her and her studio! Her astute observations and analysis of the issues is a welcome relief. I would highly recommend her services!”


“Dr. Fox is the epitome of a pediatric therapist. She is so good with our son and we are so grateful we found Lighthouse!”


Here to Help.

Give us a call at (513) 332-7243 or send us a message! We will be in touch within 1 business day.